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Dec 18, 2023
Sabbath Devotional: Star of Bethlehem
Christ will come. In the meantime, we can find His light in the work we participate in and in the hearts of His children everywhere.

Jan 1, 2023
Sabbath Devotional: Dawn
Good people trying to make the world a better place are all around us sharing their light. And the light of Jesus Christ will shine through.

Sep 20, 2020
Sabbath Devotional: Perfect Brightness — Light of the World
Feelings will come and go, like clouds moving across the sky. But the Light of the World is everlasting and eternal.

Feb 17, 2020
Sabbath Devotional: "You cannot do what I need you to do in anonymity."
Seek God’s will and instructions, then boldly rise to the call, shining your light for all to see.
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