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Principles of Ethical Government 1(d): Freedom of the Press

Mormon Women for Ethical Government’s principles of ethical government 1(d) states:

(d) A free press is essential to ensuring governmental transparency and accountability. Government officials have a special duty to respect the independence of journalistic organizations (see Luke 12:2-3).

Heavenly Father has urged us to seek light and knowledge to help us do good in the world (Moroni 7:19, see also Moroni 7 generally). But to gain a broad knowledge of local, national, and world events, we have to rely on the press to witness, research, and sift through information on our behalf. This reporting is best accomplished when members of the press are free to gather and report news with limited constraints from government.

As independent watchdogs, the press can bring to light wrongdoings and corruption, naturally creating an adversarial relationship between the press and those in power. As a result, throughout history, local and world leaders have often complained about the press and sought to control it. Press freedom is currently under threat around the world.

Without freedom of speech or press, it would be difficult to find reliable information about and act upon important domestic and international civil and human rights issues.

This document outlines why having a free press is essential. It also includes thought questions, ways to take action, and ideas for teaching this topic to children.

Read more by clicking on the image below, or download the four-page document here.

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